A joint image encryption and watermarking algorithm based on compressive sensing and chaotic map*
Xiao Di, Cai Hong-Kun, Zheng Hong-Ying†
Watermark extractions for different packet loss ratios: (a) the extracted watermark without packet loss; (b) the extracted watermark with 10% packet loss; (c) the extracted watermark with 30% packet loss; (d) the extracted watermark with 50% packet loss; (e) the decrypted image without packet loss (PSNR = 39.7 dB); (f) the decrypted image with 10% packet loss (PSNR = 37.9 dB); (g) the decrypted image with 30% packet loss (PSNR = 34.6 dB); (h) the decrypted image with 50% packet loss (PSNR = 31.2 dB).