Transport mechanism of reverse surface leakage current in AlGaN/GaN high-electron mobility transistor with SiN passivation*
Zheng Xue-Fenga),b)†, Fan Shuanga),b), Chen Yong-Hea),b), Kang Dia),b), Zhang Jian-Kuna),b), Wang Chonga),b), Mo Jiang-Huic), Li Liangc), Ma Xiao-Huab), Zhang Jin-Chenga),b), Hao Yuea),b)
Schematic illustration of dual-gate structure and the measurement circuit. During measurement, both G2 and Ohmic contact are grounded, and G1 is reversed-biased. The surface leakage current is collected by G2, and the bulk leakage current is collected by Ohmic contact.