PET image reconstruction with a system matrix containing point spread function derived from single photon incidence response*
Fan Xina),b), Wang Hai-Penga),b), Yun Ming-Kaia),c), Sun Xiao-Lia),b), Cao Xue-Xianga),c), Liu Shuang-Quana),c), Chai Peia),c), Li Dao-Wua),c), Liu Bao-Donga),c), Wang Lua),b), Wei Longa),c),
Fig.#cod#x00A0;8. The point responses of two points for three methods in sonogram. The diameters of the points are 0.5#cod#x00A0;mm. a and d Responses from the simulation experiment by GATE software. b and e Results using our method. c and f Results of the ordinary method without a blurring matrix. The top row shows the point response of the point placed in the center of the FOV. The bottom row shows the point response of the point placed 300#cod#x00A0;mm off the FOV center.