PET image reconstruction with a system matrix containing point spread function derived from single photon incidence response*
Fan Xina),b), Wang Hai-Penga),b), Yun Ming-Kaia),c), Sun Xiao-Lia),b), Cao Xue-Xianga),c), Liu Shuang-Quana),c), Chai Peia),c), Li Dao-Wua),c), Liu Bao-Donga),c), Wang Lua),b), Wei Longa),c),
Fig.#cod#x00A0;7. The blurring responses of LOR at two different positions in 0#cod#x00B0; sinogram. We take 353 radial bins in each angle for the scanner. Panels a and b represent the NO.#cod#x00A0;1 bin. Panels c and d represent the NO.#cod#x00A0;176 bin the center bin. Panels a and c present the 3D view of the response. Panels b and d present the plane view of the response.