PET image reconstruction with a system matrix containing point spread function derived from single photon incidence response*
Fan Xina),b), Wang Hai-Penga),b), Yun Ming-Kaia),c), Sun Xiao-Lia),b), Cao Xue-Xianga),c), Liu Shuang-Quana),c), Chai Peia),c), Li Dao-Wua),c), Liu Bao-Donga),c), Wang Lua),b), Wei Longa),c),
Fig.#cod#x00A0;13. Transverse view of the center slice and a profile of the center rows of the two smallest spheres of the sphere phantom, simulated by the system of MC simulation. The ratio of activity concentration of hot spheres and the background is 8:1. The hot spheres' diameters are 10#cod#x00A0;mm, 13#cod#x00A0;mm, 17#cod#x00A0;mm, and 22#cod#x00A0;mm respectively. a Reconstructed image. b Profile of the center rows of the two smallest spheres.