Giant magnetic moment at open ends of multiwalled carbon nanotubes |
Fig. 1. A multiwalled carbon nanotube is used to represent the CNT cantilever for clarity. a A multiwalled nanotube with a catalytic nanoparticle at its tip an #cod#x201C;original#cod#x201D; CNT cantilever. The magnet is away from the CNT. b When the magnet is moved near the CNT, the attraction of CNT is observed. c and d If the tip of CNT is cut off cut-off cantilever, leaving the CNT with an open end, the CNT is still attracted and deflected in the non-uniform magnetic field. The point of application of the attractive force is demonstrated to be at the tip of the cantilever. By comparing the forces between an original and cut-off CNT cantilevers, the areal density of the magnetic moment at open ends of CNTs is obtained. |