Femtosecond filamentation induced fluorescence technique for atmospheric sensing*
Yuan Shuaia),b),c), Chin See Leangc), Zeng He-Pinga),b),
Fig.#cod#x00A0;5. Fluorescence spectra from acetone at different wavelength range of 383#cod#x2013;390#cod#x00A0;nm a, 392#cod#x2013;397#cod#x00A0;nm b, 410#cod#x2013;435#cod#x00A0;nm c, 435#cod#x2013;443#cod#x00A0;nm d, 465#cod#x2013;490#cod#x00A0;nm e, and 510#cod#x2013;582#cod#x00A0;nm f. The experiment was done by placing a beaker which was filled with acetone beneath an infrared filament. The fluorescence spectra were measured from the side.