Electrical properties and microstructural characterization of Ni/Ta contacts to n-type 6H–SiC
Zhou Tian-Yua),b), Liu Xue-Chao†a), Huang Weia), Zhuo Shi-Yia), Zheng Yan-Qinga), Shi Er-Weia)
Cross-sectional TEM micrographs of samples NT-750, NT-950, and NT-1050. Panels (a), (c), and (e) show the low magnification views of samples NT-750, NT-950, and NT-1050, respectively; panel (b) shows the selected area electron diffraction patterns of the position “*” in panel (a); HRTEM micrograph of the interface region of NT-950 and the surface place marked as “+” in NT-1050 are given respectively in panels (d) and (f).