Quantum speed limits for Bell-diagonal states
Han Weia), Jiang Ke-Xiaa),b), Zhang Ying-Jie†a), Xia Yun-Jiea)
The QSLT under the phase flip channel as a function of the coefficients | c 1| and | c 2| with | c 3| = 0.4, here the driving time τ D = 1. The dashed white lines divide the entire range of | c 1| and | c 2| into four parts: case I, | c 3| ≥ | c 1| ≥ | c 2|; case II, | c 3| ≥ | c 2| ≥ | c 1|; case III, | c 1| ≥ | c 3|, | c 2|; and case IV, | c 2| ≥ | c 3|, | c 1|.