Hugoniot curve calculation of nitromethane decomposition mixtures: A reactive force field molecular dynamics approach*
Guo Fenga),b), Zhang Hongd), Hu Hai-Quana),b), Cheng Xin-Luc), Zhang Li-Yane)
Numbers of major pyrolysis products H, HO, H2O, NO2, etc., along the Hugoniot line at (a) P = 7.02 GPa, T = 2191.64 K; (b) P = 11.0 GPa, T = 2358.70 K; (c) P = 15.00 GPa, T = 2572.45 K; (d) P = 20.03 GPa, T = 3371.37 K, and the comparisons among populations of (e) NM (f) H2O molecules at pressures along the Hugoniot line. The dashed lines in panel (e) refer to the fitting to the function N ( t ) = N 0e− kt to determine the decay rate k of NM.