In-situ spectroscopic studies and interfacial engineering on FeSe/oxide heterostructures: Insights on the interfacial superconductivity*
Peng Ruia),b), Xu Hai-Chaoa),b), Feng Dong-Laia),b)
(a1)–(a7) The second derivative with respect to energy for the photoemission intensity around the Brillouin zone corner for 50 uc FeSe. (b) The second derivative of the energy distribution curves (EDCs) at Brillouin zone corner. The dip of the second derivative highlights the band position. (c) The second derivative with respect to energy for the photoemission intensity around the Brillouin zone center at 30 K and 135 K, respectively. (d) The photoemission intensity map at 30 K and 135 K, respectively. Panels (a)–(d) are reprinted with permission from Ref. [ 9 ], copyright 2012 by Nature Materials.