In-situ spectroscopic studies and interfacial engineering on FeSe/oxide heterostructures: Insights on the interfacial superconductivity*
Peng Ruia),b), Xu Hai-Chaoa),b), Feng Dong-Laia),b)
(a) The sketch of Brillouin zone and Fermi surfaces of FeSeSX. (b) The momentum distribution curves showing the dispersion of band γ along cut #1, and the momentum location of #1 is illustrated in panel (a). (c) The fitting of band γ at the Fermi energy along cut #1 by Lorentz peaks. (d) The symmetrized photoemission spectra showing the evolution of the superconducting gap as a function of polar angle φ as defined in panel (a). (e) Gap distribution of the electron pocket in polar coordinates, where the radius represents the gap size and the polar angle represents φ . Panels (a)–(d) are reprinted with permission from Ref. [ 16 ], copyright 2014 by the American Physical Society.