In-situ spectroscopic studies and interfacial engineering on FeSe/oxide heterostructures: Insights on the interfacial superconductivity*
Peng Ruia),b), Xu Hai-Chaoa),b), Feng Dong-Laia),b)
(a) The δ E (the energy seperation between band α and band ω at γ as defined in Figs.  10(d) and 11(c) ) as a function of lattice constant. (b) The effective mass m * of band α as a function of lattice constant, where m e is the mass of free electron. (c)–(d) Comparison of DFT calculation and experimental band dispersion around zone center of FeSeBU and FeSeSX, respectively. Panels (a)–(d) are reprinted with permission from Ref. [ 15 ], copyright 2014 by Nature Communications.