Electrochemical synthesis of alkali-intercalated iron selenide superconductors*
Shen Shi-Jiea), Ying Tian-Pinga), Wang Ganga), Jin Shi-Fenga), Zhang Hana), Lin Zhi-Pinga), Chen Xiao-Longa),b)
(a) Sketch of the electrochemical cell. (1) cover lid, (2) container, (3) insulator ring, (4) separator, (5) electrolyte, (6) cylinder, (7) Al or Cu foil with FeSe film, and (8) K or Na film. (b) Schematic of the K intercalation process. (c) and (d) Voltage of the working electrode (FeSe) against the reference electrode as a function of the capacity. The insets show the setup of respective circuits.