†Corresponding author. E-mail: hp_wang@fudan.edu.cn
*Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11447601) and the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2011CB921803).
For most of the conventional crystals with low-index surfaces, the hopping between the nearest neighbor (1NN) crystal planes (CPs) is dominant and the ones from the nNN (2 ≤ n < ∞) CPs are relatively weak, considered as small perturbations. The recent theoretical analysis[
The presence of the surface in materials can have a significant impact on their macroscopic behaviors.[2, 3] The existence of surface states drives the surface property to be different from the bulk and plays a crucial role in transport.[4, 5] The surface states propagating in cut crystals are extended along the parallel direction of the surface, but exponentially decay in the direction perpendicular to the surface. The most representative phenomena are the quantum Hall effect, [6, 7] the quantum spin Hall effect, [8– 11] topological insulator (TI), [12, 13] and topological superconductor (TSC).[14] Besides the interest in topological states, a great deal of enthusiasm has been aroused for studying surface states in some conventional semiconductors (i.e., Si, Ge) and insulators (i.e., ABO3 oxides) since their presence may influence their physical properties. The surface states can provide the room to accommodate surface mobile charges that may alter the conductive behavior. In some cases, such surface mobile charges can strongly couple with surface softened phonon modes, resulting in surface reconstruction such as the (111) surfaces of Si and Ge[15, 16] and as a result, it may greatly affect physical properties of the devices. Thus, the study of surface states is not only important in the fundamental research such as the topological properties and the quantum entanglement, [17, 18] but also very useful for developing some future devices. Ab initio calculations are often recommended to investigate surface states and quantitatively figure out surface states emerging in cut crystals. Besides, the first-principles calculations, [19, 20] some analytical methods, such as Green’ s function method[21– 23] and transfer matrix method (TMM), [24, 25] are also proposed to calculate surface states, particularly for weakly correlated materials where the band theory of solid state physics works.
As is well known, an infinite nD (n-dimensional) crystal consists of an infinite number of parallel (n − 1)D crystals which are periodically arrayed by coupling. For the sake of discussion, we take a 3D (three-dimensional) crystal as example. When n = 3, the (n − 1)D crystal represents a CP (crystal plane). Each CP is coupled with all its possible neighbor CPs. Except for some strongly correlated materials, in general, the hopping between CPs becomes weaker and weaker when the distance between them gets larger and larger. Thus, for most of the conventional crystals with low-index surfaces, the coupling between the 1NN (nearest neighbor) CPs will be dominant and the ones between the nNN (2 ≤ n < ∞ ) CPs are relatively weak. In the previous study, [1] we rigorously proved the absence of surface states at the level of the hopping approximation between the 1NN CPs when the original infinite crystal has GRS for each CP, resulting in the forward hopping matrix F to be equal to the backward one B, named as F– B dynamical symmetry. Furthermore, based on the perturbation theory, we also demonstrated that small perturbations from the couplings between the nNN (2 ≤ n < ∞ ) CPs and surface relaxations have no effect on the conclusion. The conclusion is applicable for any band crystals when each CP can contain any finite number of electron modes. However, for some possible naturally stable crystals with high-index surfaces and/or the strong SOC, the hopping between the 2NN CPs can be comparable with (even larger than) the one from the 1NN CPs and cannot be ignored. In fact, the SOC ∼ σ · L ∼ σ · (r × p) where σ and L are the spin and angular momenta of the electron. Just as the description in the Kane– Male model, [8] the coupling terms from the lattice site i to k for the intrinsic SOC must associate with at least two hopping steps via another neighbor lattice site j and be proportional to σ · (ri j × rjk). Thus, the dominant one should be from two 1NN bond (i → j and j → k) hoppings. Others relating with n (3 ≤ n < ∞ ) hopping steps are much smaller than the dominant one. The spin dependent hopping from the intrinsic SOC can be symmetric (F– B symmetry) (i.e., the 2NN one in zigzag edged graphene) or asymmetric (i.e., 1NN one in armchair edged graphene). For some topological insulators with strong SOC, the spin dependent hopping between the 1NN/2NN CPs can be comparable (even larger than) with the spin independent one from the 1NN CPs. Thus, in the present paper, we will focus on the effect of the hopping between the 2NN CPs on surface states. Meanwhile, the coupling between the nNN (3 ≤ n < ∞ ) CPs is also addressed as small perturbations for most of the crystals with low-index surfaces.
Here, we not only focus on such model crystals with Type I: “ · · · – P– P– P– P– · · · ” and II “ · · · – P– Q– P– Q– · · · ” where the original infinite crystal has the GRS, but we also consider the crystals with Type III: “ · · · – P= Q– P= Q– · · · ” where the original infinite crystal lacks the GRS. In three types, the letters P and Q represent CPs and the signs “ − ” and “ = ” indicate the distance of the 1NN CPs. It is worth mentioning that P and Q are distinct CPs in Type II and are identical or different in Type III. We will continue to discuss our previous result[1] to see whether it is applicable or not in Type I when the finite symmetric couplings (F– B symmetry) between 2NN CPs are added. In this paper, we find that it is still applicable in Type I if each CP has one electron mode, but it may be invalid when each CP has n (2 ≤ n < ∞ ) electron modes. Moreover, we also demonstrate that surface states can emerge when the asymmetric hopping from the 2NN CPs is contained in Type I with one electron mode in each CP. For cut crystals with Type II, we have known that there are not any surface states for any band model crystals with the symmetric hopping from the 1NN CPs only when the original infinite crystal has the GRS for each CP.[1] However, it will be shown that the coupling between the 2NN CPs is favorable to induce surface states no matter whether it is symmetric or not. While for cut crystals with Type III, surface states can be generated before the hopping from the 2NN CPs is considered and we also find that its existence is more helpful to promote the presence of surface states. These conclusions above are also valid for 1D/2D crystals where the “ surface” is just the “ edge” for 1D/2D crystals.
For an n-band semi-infinite crystal with Type I, each CP has a periodic structure and is a lower dimensional crystal than the original one. Since the wave vector k‖ is still a good quantum number along the direction of the boundary plane, we can do the Fourier transformation in each CP. Now we adopt the diagonal representation of each CP Hamiltonian which can include the SOC, then the effective Hamiltonian can be written as at the level of the symmetric hopping approximation between the 1NN and 2NN CPs
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where {Δ lΦ i(k‖ ) = Φ i+ l(k‖ ) + Φ i− l(k‖ ) : l = 1, 2},
![]() | Fig. 1. Three type structures. (a) Type I: “ · · · – P– P– P– P– · · · ” . (b) Type II: “ · · · – P– Q– P– Q– · · · ” . (c) Type III: “ · · · – P= Q– P= Q– · · · ” . |
Firstly, we will focus on the one-band model, that is, n = 1 where
Each block has two coupled electron modes and the blocks are coupled to each other via the hopping between the 1NN blocks only. Then the effective quantum dynamical equation (QDE) reads
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where {Ψ n = 0 : n ⩽ 0},
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where we have B2× 2 ≠ F2× 2, thus the one-band model with the hopping between the 1NN and 2NN CPs in its block representation is a two-band model without the F– B dynamical symmetry.[1] Then, a question arises as to whether the surface states can exist or not. Here, we apply TMM to observe the behavior of surface states and can analytically prove that no surface states survive in such cut crystals with Type I when the symmetric hopping from the 2NN CPs is added in Appendix A. In order to check our conclusion, here we take the one-band model of a 2D crystal with the hopping between the 1NN and 2NN CPs for example (see Fig. 2(a)). By comparing the results obtained above with those attained in terms of the exact diagonalization method on a finite-size 2D crystal, we can see that these results are in good agreement with each other (see Figs. 2(b) and 2(c)) when the couplings from the 2NN CPs are symmetric
The demonstrations above are limited in such cut crystals with the single electron mode in each CP. Now, we pay attention to the case where each CP has n (n ≥ 2) electron modes. Although we cannot give the rigorous and analytical demonstration for the presence or absence of surface states, some numerical calculations will present the existence of surface states in some simple models when the symmetric hopping from the 2NN CPs is included. It is well known that surface states can be accommodated in such cut crystals with the armchair edged graphene structure where each CP has two electron modes when the hopping from the 2NN is strong enough.[1] Meanwhile, we also provide another example to understand our conclusion easily (see Fig. 3(a)). With the help of the exact diagonalization method, we can clearly see that edge states can emerge in such cut crystals (see Fig. 3(b)). From the discussion above, we can know that the coupling between the 2NN CPs is favorable to induce surface states in such cases even if the original crystal has the GRS for each CP in Type I. Moreover, as is discussed in Type I with one electron mode in each CP, we can note that surface states can be generated easily in such cut crystals with more than one electron mode in each CP when the hopping from the 2NN CPs is asymmetric.
For a cut crystal with Type II, when the symmetric hopping between the 2NN CPs is considered besides the one between the 1NN CPs, its QDEs is
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where {Δ lΦ i = Φ i− l + Φ i+ l, Δ lΨ i = Ψ i− l + Ψ i+ l : l = 1, 2},
Firstly, we will draw attention to the simplest case, that is, n = m = 1 where
Now, we simply address the model crystals with Type II where each CP has n (n ≥ 2) electron modes. Although we cannot analytically investigate the behavior of surface states, we can note that surface states can propagate in such cut crystals by some numerical calculations (see Fig. 5). From the demonstration above, we can find that the coupling between the 2NN CPs is much more helpful to generate surface states in Type II than Type I even if the original infinite crystal has the GRS for each CP in both types.
Finally, we simply discuss the cut crystal with the hoppings between the 1NN and 2NN CPs in Type III. For the case with one electron mode in each CP, it can also be transformed into a two-band model with the hopping between the 1NN blocks when we take the 1NN CPs as one block: “ · · · = (Q– P)= (Q– P)= · · · ” (see Fig. 1(c)). As is demonstrated in Type I with one electron mode in each CP, we can prove that surface states can emerge in such cut crystals after the finite symmetric couplings between 2NN CPs are added. To determine our conclusion, we study a 2D crystal with the structure shown in Fig. 6(a). Its dispersion relation for edge states is got by the exact diagonalization method, consistent with our conclusion (see Figs. 6(b)– 6(d)). Furthermore, for three type crystals, we can demonstrate that small surface relaxation and weak longer range hopping (the one between the nNN (3 ≤ n < ∞ ) CPs) cannot influence our result as discussed in the previous work.[1]
For most of the conventional crystals with low-index surfaces, the coupling between the 1NN CPs is dominant and the ones between the nNN (2 ≤ n < ∞ ) CPs are relatively weak and can be approximately treated as small perturbations. It has been proved[1] that the weak hopping from the nNN (2 ≤ n < ∞ ) CPs has no effect on the behavior of surface states. However, for crystals with strong SOC, the dominant hopping terms from site i to k for the intrinsic SOC must associate with at least two hopping steps via site j and be proportional to σ · (ri j × rjk). Thus, the dominant intrinsic SOC interaction results from two 1NN bond (i → j and j → k) hoppings. In general, others relating with n (3 ≤ n < ∞ ) hopping steps are much smaller than the dominant one. Thus, we mainly focus on the hopping from the 2NN CPs on surface states. We have received the following conclusions by analytical and numerical calculations.
1) For the cut crystals with the symmetric hopping from the 1NN CPs in Type I, we have received: a) surface states cannot exist in such cut crystals when the hopping from the 2NN CPs is symmetric and each CP has only one electron mode. Moreover, some numerical demonstrations with the longer range couplings also support the conclusion. b) If each CP has more than one electron mode, the symmetric hopping from the 2NN CPs can induce the presence of surface states. It is worth mentioning that the asymmetric hopping between the 2NN CPs will be more favorable to generate surface states.
2) For the cut crystals with the symmetric hopping between the 1NN CPs in Type II, we have obtained that surface states can be generated no matter whether the hopping from the 2NN CPs is symmetric or not.
3) For the cut crystals with the asymmetric hopping between the 1NN CPs in Type III, it is known that surface states can exist even if the coupling from the 2NN CPs is absent. When the hopping between the 2NN CPs is present, surface states can emerge easily. The zigzag edged graphene is one of the examples.
The study of surface states in cut crystals is fundamental in condensed-matter systems. Their presence/absence will influence their surface lattice structure as well as optical and transport properties. Meanwhile, some additional significant couplings between CPs will enhance the quantum entanglement of quantum states which also naturally induces the existence of surface states in cut crystals. There should be some internal relation between the topological quantum entanglement and surface states in cut crystals, but the relation still remains to be investigated.
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