Theoretical analysis of droplet transition from Cassie to Wenzel state*
Liu Tian-Qing, Li Yan-Jie, Li Xiang-Qin, Sun Wei
Changes of base area A s and IFE barrier E b of a droplet before and after its C–W transition during evaporation. Experimental data originate from literature.[ 11 ] Here d = 3 μm, p = 20 μm, H = 4.8 μm, θ I = 110°, θ A = 116°. Note: 1) the droplet volume required in the model calculation is solved by using the measured droplet base area and receding contact angle; 2) the IFE barrier of the C–W transition is defined as the difference between the IFE of a composite droplet when its bottom TPCL moves to x = H and the IFE of the Cassie state droplet.