Analysis of functional failure mode of commercial deep sub-micron SRAM induced by total dose irradiation
Zheng Qi-Wena),b),c), Cui Jiang-Wei†a),b), Zhou Hanga),b),c), Yu De-Zhaoa),b),c), Yu Xue-Fenga),b), Lu Wua),b), Guo Qia),b), Ren Di-Yuana),b)
Memory cell SNM derived by simulation when radiation-induced threshold shifts in pull up PMOSFET and pull down NMOSFET are 100 mV. The side lengths of the black square and the dashed black square represent pre-irradiation and post-irradiation SNM respectively, while the side length of the dotted black square represents SNM only including radiation-induced threshold shift in Q1 and Q3.