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Chinese Physics, 2003, Vol. 12(10): 1135-1139    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/12/10/314

Poloidal rotation of main ions in the CT-6B tokamak

Feng Chun-Hua (冯春华), Li Zan-Liang (李赞良), Yang Xuan-Zong (杨宣宗), Zheng Shao-Bai (郑少白), Li Wen-Lai (李文莱), Wang Long (王龙)
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
Abstract  The poloidal rotation velocity of neutral hydrogen atoms is measured using the Doppler shift of the Hα spectral line emitted in the CT-6B tokamak. The poloidal rotation of hydrogen atoms is generated through the collisions and charge-exchanges with main ions (protons). Therefore, the rotation direction of main ions can be deduced from that of neutral hydrogen atoms. The experimental results show that the main ions rotate in the electron diamagnetic drift direction, the same as the impurity ions, in the plasma core. The neutral hydrogen atoms rotate also in the electron diamagnetic drift direction in the edge region of the plasma. However, the rotation direction of main ions in the edge region cannot be judged from the experimental result due to the long mean free path of hydrogen atoms in the edge region. An inward diffusion flux of hydrogen atoms toward the torus inside with a velocity of the same order of magnitude as their poloidal rotation is also observed.
Keywords:  poloidal rotation      main ions      Doppler shift  
Received:  24 April 2003      Revised:  19 May 2003      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  52.20.Hv (Atomic, molecular, ion, and heavy-particle collisions)  
  52.25.Fi (Transport properties)  
  52.55.Fa (Tokamaks, spherical tokamaks)  
  52.25.Os (Emission, absorption, and scattering of electromagnetic radiation ?)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10235010).

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Feng Chun-Hua (冯春华), Li Zan-Liang (李赞良), Yang Xuan-Zong (杨宣宗), Zheng Shao-Bai (郑少白), Li Wen-Lai (李文莱), Wang Long (王龙) Poloidal rotation of main ions in the CT-6B tokamak 2003 Chinese Physics 12 1135

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