Sm3(Fe,Co,Mo)29 compounds: promising materials for permanent magnets
李伟星, 刘宝丹, 王建立, 申江, 吴光恒, 杨伏明, 陈难先, de Boer Frank
2003 (6):
doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/12/6/316
1391 )
The outstanding hard-magnetic properties are reported of Sm_3Fe_{28.1-x}Co_xMo_{0.9} compounds with x=12, 14, 16. In this alloy system, only a small amount of Mo is needed to stabilize the 3:29 structure so that the magnetic properties are not seriously affected by the presence of this nonmagnetic element. Substitution of Co for Fe leads to a significant increase of the magnetic anisotropy, and for x≥14 the easy magnetization direction changes from easy plane to the easy axis. In this alloy system, the compound Sm_3Fe_{12.1}Co_{16}Mo_{0.9} is a very promising candidate for permanent magnet applications. Its room temperature saturation magnetization (μ_0M_s=1.5 T) and anisotropy field (B_{an}=6.5 T) are comparable to the values for Nd_2Fe_{14}B (μ_0M_s=1.6 T and B_{an}=7 T). However, the Curie temperature of Sm_3Fe_{12.1}Co_{16}Mo_{0.9} is 1020 K, which is appreciably higher than that for Nd_2Fe_{14}B (T_C=588 K).
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