1999 (10):
doi: 10.1088/1004-423X/8/10/001
1304 )
In this paper, first of all, we proved if the ideal Bose gas with a finite volume and number of particles has a non-degenerate single-particle energy level εn, the chemical potential μ can take the value μn=εn and there is a phase transition temperature Tp,n, where n=0,1,2… Taking ε0≤εn<εn+1, then Tp,0≥Tp,n>Tp,n+1. When the temperature T>Tp,n or T≤Tp,n+1, μ≠εn and the most probable occupation number Nn=0. In the temperature interval Tp,n≥ T>Tp,n+1,μ=εn and 0≤Nn=N-ΣjNj<~supNn, where Nj is the most probable occupation number in the degenerate level j. Thus, if the finite ideal Bose gas has some non-degenerate single-particle levels, there exists a characteristic temperature Tp=Tp,0. The chemical potential μ is quantized when T≤Tp, and this leads to the creation of a macroscopic quantum state (pure state) or Bose-Einstein condensation phase. Tp=Tp,0 is a first-order phase transition point, Tp,n≠0 is a zero-order phase transition point. Next, we obtained a new expression of the most probable distribution of the finite ideal Bose gas. In this expression Nj is directly proportional to gj-1, where gj and Nj are, respectively, the degeneracy and the most probable occupation number in the degenerate level j. This property agrees with what chemical potential can be quantized if there is a non-degenerate level for the finite ideal Bose gas. Finally, using this expression, we defined a micro-partition function M, obtained the statistical expressions of some thermodynamical quantities.
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