TOPICAL REVIEW — Smart design of materials and design of smart materials

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1. Design, fabrication and optimization of electromagnetic absorption metamaterials
Qi Lou(娄琦), Xu-Dong Zhang(张旭东), and Ming-Gang Xia(夏明岗)
中国物理B    2023, 32 (9): 94102-094102.   DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/accb42
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For decades, the rapid development of wireless communication has provided people a smarter way of living. However, a significant increase in electromagnetic pollution is an unavoidable consequence. Evading radar detection in modern warfare has also become an important prerequisite for survival on the battlefield. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the current status and types of electromagnetic absorption metamaterials, especially their design and preparation methods. Moreover, this review focuses on the strategies used to optimize the absorber absorption performance. Finally, this review presents a viewpoint on future research on electromagnetic absorption metamaterials, the main challenges that need to be addressed and the possible solutions.
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