Ab initio study of phase stability, elastic anisotropy, and minimum thermal conductivity of MnB
2 in different crystal structures
Xiao-Fan Wang(王小凡), Yi-Xian Wang(王乙先), Zhuo Wang(王卓), Yu-Xuan Zhang(张宇轩), and Jian-Bing Gu(顾建兵)
Ab initio study of phase stability, elastic anisotropy, and minimum thermal conductivity of MnB
2 in different crystal structures
Xiao-Fan Wang(王小凡), Yi-Xian Wang(王乙先), Zhuo Wang(王卓), Yu-Xuan Zhang(张宇轩), and Jian-Bing Gu(顾建兵)
2024, (12): 126103
DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad925c