Visualizing and witnessing first-order coherence, Bell nonlocality and purity by using a quantum steering ellipsoid in the non-inertial frame
Huan Yang(杨欢), Ling-Ling Xing(邢玲玲), Ming-Ming Du(杜明明), Min Kong(孔敏), Gang Zhang(张刚), and Liu Ye(叶柳)
Visualizing and witnessing first-order coherence, Bell nonlocality and purity by using a quantum steering ellipsoid in the non-inertial frame
Huan Yang(杨欢), Ling-Ling Xing(邢玲玲), Ming-Ming Du(杜明明), Min Kong(孔敏), Gang Zhang(张刚), and Liu Ye(叶柳)
中国物理B . 2023, (10): 100305 -100305 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/acb762