A ten-fold coordinated high-pressure structure in hafnium dihydrogen with increasing superconducting transition temperature induced by enhancive pressure
Yan-Qi Wang(王妍琪), Chuan-Zhao Zhang(张传钊), Jin-Quan Zhang(张金权), Song Li(李松), Meng Ju(巨濛), Wei-Guo Sun(孙伟国), Xi-Long Dou(豆喜龙), and Yuan-Yuan Jin(金园园)
A ten-fold coordinated high-pressure structure in hafnium dihydrogen with increasing superconducting transition temperature induced by enhancive pressure
Yan-Qi Wang(王妍琪), Chuan-Zhao Zhang(张传钊), Jin-Quan Zhang(张金权), Song Li(李松), Meng Ju(巨濛), Wei-Guo Sun(孙伟国), Xi-Long Dou(豆喜龙), and Yuan-Yuan Jin(金园园)
中国物理B . 2023, (9): 97402 -097402 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/acc934