Fast-speed self-powered PEDOT: PSS/ α-Ga 2O 3 nanorod array/FTO photodetector with solar-blind UV/visible dual-band photodetection
Ming-Ming Fan(范明明), Kang-Li Xu(许康丽), Ling Cao(曹铃), and Xiu-Yan Li(李秀燕)
Fast-speed self-powered PEDOT: PSS/ α-Ga 2O 3 nanorod array/FTO photodetector with solar-blind UV/visible dual-band photodetection
Ming-Ming Fan(范明明), Kang-Li Xu(许康丽), Ling Cao(曹铃), and Xiu-Yan Li(李秀燕)
中国物理B . 2022, (4): 48501 -048501 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac3814