Proton loss of inner radiation belt during geomagnetic storm of 2018 based on CSES satellite observation
Zhen-Xia Zhang(张振霞), Xu-Hui Shen(申旭辉), Xin-Qiao Li(李新乔), and Yong-Fu Wang(王永福)
Proton loss of inner radiation belt during geomagnetic storm of 2018 based on CSES satellite observation
Zhen-Xia Zhang(张振霞), Xu-Hui Shen(申旭辉), Xin-Qiao Li(李新乔), and Yong-Fu Wang(王永福)
中国物理B . 2021, (12): 129401 -129401 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac1f00