Assessment of cortical bone fatigue using coded nonlinear ultrasound
Duwei Liu(刘度为), Boyi Li(李博艺), Dongsheng Bi(毕东生), Tho N. H. T. Tran, Yifang Li(李义方), Dan Liu(刘丹), Ying Li(李颖), and Dean Ta(他得安)
Assessment of cortical bone fatigue using coded nonlinear ultrasound
Duwei Liu(刘度为), Boyi Li(李博艺), Dongsheng Bi(毕东生), Tho N. H. T. Tran, Yifang Li(李义方), Dan Liu(刘丹), Ying Li(李颖), and Dean Ta(他得安)
中国物理B . 2021, (9): 94301 -094301 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac0db2