Coherent control of fragmentation of methyl iodide by shaped femtosecond pulse train
佟秋男, 费德厚, 廉振中, 齐洪霞, 周胜鹏, 罗嗣佐, 陈洲, 胡湛
Coherent control of fragmentation of methyl iodide by shaped femtosecond pulse train
Qiu-Nan Tong(佟秋男), De-Hou Fei(费德厚), Zhen-Zhong Lian(廉振中), Hong-Xia Qi(齐洪霞), Sheng-Peng Zhou(周胜鹏), Si-Zuo Luo(罗嗣佐), Zhou Chen(陈洲), Zhan Hu(胡湛)
中国物理B . 2019, (9): 93201 -093201 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab33f3