Thermoacoustic-reflected focusing lens based on acoustic Bessel-like beam with phase manipulation
侯安茹, 高文婷, 钱姣, 孙宏祥, 葛勇, 袁寿其, 司乔瑞, 刘晓峻
Thermoacoustic-reflected focusing lens based on acoustic Bessel-like beam with phase manipulation
An-Ru Hou(侯安茹), Wen-Ting Gao(高文婷), Jiao Qian(钱姣), Hong-Xiang Sun(孙宏祥), Yong Ge(葛勇), Shou-Qi Yuan(袁寿其), Qiao-Rui Si(司乔瑞), Xiao-Jun Liu(刘晓峻)
中国物理B . 2018, (12): 124301 -124301 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/27/12/124301