Selective enhancement of green upconversion luminescence of Er-Yb: NaYF 4 by surface plasmon resonance of W 18O 49 nanoflowers and applications in temperature sensing
李昂, 吴金磊, 许雪松, 刘洋, 包亚男, 董斌
Selective enhancement of green upconversion luminescence of Er-Yb: NaYF 4 by surface plasmon resonance of W 18O 49 nanoflowers and applications in temperature sensing
Ang Li(李昂), Jin-Lei Wu(吴金磊), Xue-Song Xu(许雪松), Yang Liu(刘洋), Ya-Nan Bao(包亚男), Bin Dong(董斌)
中国物理B . 2018, (9): 97301 -097301 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/27/9/097301