Dependence of the solar cell performance on nanocarbon/Si heterojunctions
肖仕奇, 范庆霞, 夏晓刚, 肖卓建, 陈辉亮, 席薇, 陈鹏辉, 李俊杰, 王艳春, 刘华平, 周维亚
Dependence of the solar cell performance on nanocarbon/Si heterojunctions
Shiqi Xiao(肖仕奇), Qingxia Fan(范庆霞), Xiaogang Xia(夏晓刚), Zhuojian Xiao(肖卓建), Huiliang Chen(陈辉亮), Wei Xi(席薇), Penghui Chen(陈鹏辉), Junjie Li(李俊杰), Yanchun Wang(王艳春), Huaping Liu(刘华平), Weiya Zhou(周维亚)
中国物理B . 2018, (7): 78801 -078801 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/27/7/078801