Effects of thickness and annealing condition on magnetic properties and thermal stabilities of Ta/Nd/NdFeB/Nd/Ta sandwiched films
刘文峰, 张敏刚, 张克维, 张海杰, 许小红, 柴跃生
Effects of thickness and annealing condition on magnetic properties and thermal stabilities of Ta/Nd/NdFeB/Nd/Ta sandwiched films
Wen-Feng Liu(刘文峰), Min-Gang Zhang(张敏刚), Ke-Wei Zhang(张克维), Hai-Jie Zhang(张海杰), Xiao-Hong Xu(许小红), Yue-Sheng Chai(柴跃生)
中国物理B . 2016, (11): 117506 -117506 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/25/11/117506