Preparation of few-layer graphene-capped boron nanowires and their field emission properties
张永欣, 刘飞, 申承民, 杨天中, 李军, 邓少芝, 许宁生, 高鸿钧
Preparation of few-layer graphene-capped boron nanowires and their field emission properties
Yong-Xin Zhang(张永欣), Fei Liu(刘飞), Cheng-Min Shen(申承民), Tian-Zhong Yang(杨天中), Jun Li(李军), Shao-Zhi Deng(邓少芝), Ning-Sheng Xu(许宁生), Hong-Jun Gao(高鸿钧)
中国物理B . 2016, (7): 78101 -078101 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/25/7/078101