Investigation of impurity transport using laser blow-off technique in the HL-2A Ohmic and ECRH plasmas
张凯, 崔正英, 孙平, 董春凤, 邓玮, 董云波, 宋绍栋, 蒋敏, 李永高, 卢平, 杨青巍
Investigation of impurity transport using laser blow-off technique in the HL-2A Ohmic and ECRH plasmas
Kai Zhang(张凯), Zheng-Ying Cui(崔正英), Ping Sun(孙平), Chun-Feng Dong(董春凤), Wei Deng(邓玮), Yun-Bo Dong(董云波), Shao-Dong Song(宋绍栋), Min Jiang(蒋敏), Yong-Gao Li(李永高), Ping Lu(卢平), Qing-Wei Yang(杨青巍)
中国物理B . 2016, (6): 65202 -065202 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/25/6/065202