First-principles study of structure and nonlinear optical properties of CdHg(SCN) 4 crystal
张鹏, 孔垂岗, 郑超, 王新强, 马跃, 冯金波, 矫玉秋, 卢贵武
First-principles study of structure and nonlinear optical properties of CdHg(SCN) 4 crystal
Zhang Peng (张鹏), Kong Chui-Gang (孔垂岗), Zheng Chao (郑超), Wang Xin-Qiang (王新强), Ma Yue (马跃), Feng Jin-Bo (冯金波), Jiao Yu-Qiu (矫玉秋), Lu Gui-Wu (卢贵武)
Chin. Phys. B . 2015, (2): 24221 -024221 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/2/024221