Zero-field splitting parameters and local structures for tetragonal Cr 2+ centers in Cr 2+-doped ZnSe semiconductors
卢婷婷, 邝小渝, 李辉, 李洪洪, 武志燕, 毛爱杰
Zero-field splitting parameters and local structures for tetragonal Cr 2+ centers in Cr 2+-doped ZnSe semiconductors
Lu Ting-Ting (卢婷婷), Kuang Xiao-Yu (邝小渝), Li Hui (李辉), Li Hong-Hong (李洪洪), Wu Zhi-Yan (武志燕), Mao Ai-Jie (毛爱杰)
Chin. Phys. B . 2014, (11): 117104 -117104 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/23/11/117104