Theory study on a photonic-assisted radio frequency phase shifter with direct current voltage control
李晶, 宁提纲, 裴丽, 简伟, 油海东, 温晓东, 陈宏尧, 张婵, 郑晶晶
Theory study on a photonic-assisted radio frequency phase shifter with direct current voltage control
Li Jing (李晶), Ning Ti-Gang (宁提纲), Pei Li (裴丽), Jian Wei (简伟), You Hai-Dong (油海东), Wen Xiao-Dong (温晓东), Chen Hong-Yao (陈宏尧), Zhang Chan (张婵), Zheng Jing-Jing (郑晶晶)
Chin. Phys. B . 2014, (10): 104216 -104216 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/23/10/104216