Optical conductivity as a probe of a hidden Fermi-liquidbehavior in BaFe 1.904Ni 0.096As 2
杨彦兴, 熊锐, 方之颢, 许兵, 肖宏, 邱祥冈, 石兢, 王凯
Optical conductivity as a probe of a hidden Fermi-liquidbehavior in BaFe 1.904Ni 0.096As 2
Yang Yan-Xing (杨彦兴), Xiong Rui (熊锐), Fang Zhi-Hao (方之颢), Xu Bing (许兵), Xiao Hong (肖宏), Qiu Xiang-Gang (邱祥冈), Shi Jing (石兢), Wang Kai (王凯)
中国物理B . 2014, (10): 107401 -107401 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/23/10/107401