An approach to estimating and extrapolating model error based on inverse problem methods:towards accurate numerical weather prediction
胡淑娟, 邱春雨, 张利云, 黄启灿, 于海鹏, 丑纪范
An approach to estimating and extrapolating model error based on inverse problem methods:towards accurate numerical weather prediction
Hu Shu-Juan (胡淑娟), Qiu Chun-Yu (邱春雨), Zhang Li-Yun (张利云), Huang Qi-Can (黄启灿), Yu Hai-Peng (于海鹏), Chou Ji-Fan (丑纪范)
Chin. Phys. B . 2014, (8): 89201 -089201 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/23/8/089201