An autobias control system for the electro–optic modulator used in a quantum key distribution system
陈文芬, 魏正军, 郭莉, 侯丽燕, 王赓, 王金东, 张智明, 郭建平, 刘颂豪
An autobias control system for the electro–optic modulator used in a quantum key distribution system
Chen Wen-Fen (陈文芬), Wei Zheng-Jun (魏正军), Guo Li (郭莉), Hou Li-Yan (侯丽燕), Wang Geng (王赓), Wang Jin-Dong (王金东), Zhang Zhi-Ming (张智明), Guo Jian-Ping (郭建平), Liu Song-Hao (刘颂豪)
Chin. Phys. B . 2014, (8): 80304 -080304 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/23/8/080304