Mechano-chemical selections of two competitive unfolding pathways of a single DNA i-motif
徐悦, 陈虎, 璩玉杰, 黎明, 欧阳钟灿, 刘冬生, 严洁
Mechano-chemical selections of two competitive unfolding pathways of a single DNA i-motif
Xu Yue (徐悦), Chen Hu (陈虎), Qu Yu-Jie (璩玉杰), Artem K. Efremov, Li Ming (黎明), Ouyang Zhong-Can(欧阳钟灿) , Liu Dong-Sheng(刘冬生), Yan Jie (严洁)​​
中国物理B . 2014, (6): 68702 -068702 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/23/6/068702