Ab initio MRCI+Q study on potential energy curves and spectroscopic parameters of low-lying electronic states of CS +
李瑞, 魏长立, 孙启响, 孙二平, 金明星, 徐海峰, 闫冰
Ab initio MRCI+Q study on potential energy curves and spectroscopic parameters of low-lying electronic states of CS +
Li Rui (李瑞), Wei Chang-Li (魏长立), Sun Qi-Xiang (孙启响), Sun Er-Ping (孙二平), Jin Ming-Xing (金明星), Xu Hai-Feng (徐海峰), Yan Bing (闫冰)
Chin. Phys. B . 2013, (12): 123103 -123103 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/22/12/123103