Crystal growth, structural and physical properties of the 5d noncentrosymmetric LaOsSi 3
张旭, 苗杉杉, 王瀑, 郑萍, 尹文龙, 姚吉勇, 姜宏伟, 王海, 石友国
Crystal growth, structural and physical properties of the 5d noncentrosymmetric LaOsSi 3
Zhang Xu (张旭), Miao Shan-Shan (苗杉杉), Wang Pu (王瀑), Zheng Ping (郑萍), Yin Wen-Long (尹文龙), Yao Ji-Yong (姚吉勇), Jiang Hong-Wei (姜宏伟), Wang Hai (王海), Shi You-Guo (石友国)
中国物理B . 2013, (10): 108103 -108103 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/22/10/108103