A new model analysis of the third harmonic voltage in inductive measurement for critical current density of superconducting films
张旭, 吴之珍, 周铁戈, 何明, 赵新杰, 阎少林, 方兰
A new model analysis of the third harmonic voltage in inductive measurement for critical current density of superconducting films
Zhang Xu(张旭),Wu Zhi-Zhen(吴之珍),Zhou Tie-Ge(周铁戈), He Ming(何明), Zhao Xin-Jie(赵新杰),Yan Shao-Lin(阎少林),and Fang Lan(方兰)
中国物理B . 2011, (2): 27401 -027401 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/20/2/027401