A method for extracting human gait series from accelerometer signals based on the ensemble empirical mode decomposition
符懋敬, 庄建军, 侯凤贞, 展庆波, 邵毅, 宁新宝
A method for extracting human gait series from accelerometer signals based on the ensemble empirical mode decomposition
Fu Mao-Jing(符懋敬), Zhuang Jian-Jun(庄建军), Hou Feng-Zhen(侯凤贞), Zhan Qing-Bo(展庆波),Shao Yi(邵毅), and Ning Xin-Bao(宁新宝)
中国物理B . 2010, (5): 58701 -058701 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/19/5/058701