Towards an optical coupler using fine-wire: a study of the photovoltaic effect of a heterojunction formed in a single fine-wire of tungsten oxides
陈尚辉, 陈建, 邓少芝, 许宁生
Towards an optical coupler using fine-wire: a study of the photovoltaic effect of a heterojunction formed in a single fine-wire of tungsten oxides
Chen Shang-Hui(陈尚辉), Chen Jian(陈建), Deng Shao-Zhi(邓少芝), and Xu Ning-Sheng(许宁生)
中国物理B . 2010, (3): 37803 -037803 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/19/3/037803