Preparation and study on performance of submicron nickel powder for multilayer chip positive temperature coefficient resistance
陈勇, 龚树萍, 傅邱云, 郑志平, 黄日明, 苏鹏
Preparation and study on performance of submicron nickel powder for multilayer chip positive temperature coefficient resistance
Chen Yong(陈勇), Gong Shu-Ping(龚树萍), Fu Qiu-Yun(傅邱云), Zheng Zhi-Ping(郑志平), Huang Ri-Ming(黄日明), and Su Peng(苏鹏)
中国物理B . 2010, (11): 117301 -117302 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/19/11/117301