The density functional study of the stabilities, bond characters, static linear polarisabilities, and aromaticities of the `in-out' isomerism H n-60@C nH 60 ( n=70, 72, 74)
唐春梅, 朱卫华, 邓开明
The density functional study of the stabilities, bond characters, static linear polarisabilities, and aromaticities of the `in-out' isomerism H n-60@C nH 60 ( n=70, 72, 74)
Tang Chun-Mei(唐春梅), Zhu Wei-Hua(朱卫华), and Deng Kai-Ming(邓开明)
中国物理B . 2010, (11): 113603 -114202 .  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/19/11/113603