中国物理B ›› 2008, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (1): 232-237.doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/17/1/041

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A simple model for approximate bandgap structure calculation of all-solid photonic bandgap fibre based on an array of rings

方宏, 娄淑琴, 郭铁英, 姚磊, 李宏雷, 简水生   

  1. Key Laboratory of All Optical Network & Advanced Telecommunication Network of EMC,\ Institute of Lightwave Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
  • 出版日期:2008-01-20 发布日期:2008-01-20
  • 基金资助:
    Project supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No 2004AA31G200) and Beijing Jiaotong University Foundation, China (Grant No 2005SM002).

A simple model for approximate bandgap structure calculation of all-solid photonic bandgap fibre based on an array of rings

Fang Hong(方宏), Lou Shu-Qin(娄淑琴), Guo Tie-Ying(郭铁英), Yao Lei(姚磊), Li Hong-Lei(李宏雷), and Jian Shui-Sheng(简水生)   

  1. Key Laboratory of All Optical Network & Advanced Telecommunication Network of EMC, Institute of Lightwave Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
  • Online:2008-01-20 Published:2008-01-20
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No 2004AA31G200) and Beijing Jiaotong University Foundation, China (Grant No 2005SM002).

摘要: A simple model for approximate bandgap structure calculation of all-solid photonic bandgap fibre based on an array of rings is proposed. In this model calculated are only the potential modes of a unit cell, which is a high-index ring in the low-index background for this fibre, rather than the whole cladding periodic structure based on Bloch's theorem to find the bandgap. Its accuracy is proved by comparing its results with the results obtained by using the accurate full-vector plane-wave method. High speed in computation is its great advantage over the other exact methods, because it only needs to find the roots of one-dimensional analytical expressions. And the results of this model, mode plots, offer an ideal environment to explore the basic properties of photonic bandgap clearly.

关键词: photonic bandgap fibre, bandgap structure, multi-layer waveguide, plane-wave method

Abstract: A simple model for approximate bandgap structure calculation of all-solid photonic bandgap fibre based on an array of rings is proposed. In this model calculated are only the potential modes of a unit cell, which is a high-index ring in the low-index background for this fibre, rather than the whole cladding periodic structure based on Bloch's theorem to find the bandgap. Its accuracy is proved by comparing its results with the results obtained by using the accurate full-vector plane-wave method. High speed in computation is its great advantage over the other exact methods, because it only needs to find the roots of one-dimensional analytical expressions. And the results of this model, mode plots, offer an ideal environment to explore the basic properties of photonic bandgap clearly.

Key words: photonic bandgap fibre, bandgap structure, multi-layer waveguide, plane-wave method

中图分类号:  (Photonic bandgap materials)

  • 42.70.Qs
42.81.Bm (Fabrication, cladding, and splicing) 42.81.Qb (Fiber waveguides, couplers, and arrays)