中国物理B ›› 2007, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (9): 2616-2626.doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/9/020

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Generation of on--off intermittency based on R?ssler chaotic system

周茜, 陈增强, 袁著祉   

  1. Department of Automation, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
  • 收稿日期:2007-01-02 修回日期:2007-01-29 出版日期:2007-09-20 发布日期:2007-09-20

Generation of on--off intermittency based on Rössler chaotic system

Zhou Qian(周茜), Chen Zeng-Qiang(陈增强)‡ger, and Yuan Zhu-Zhi(袁著祉)   

  1. Department of Automation, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
  • Received:2007-01-02 Revised:2007-01-29 Online:2007-09-20 Published:2007-09-20

摘要: In this paper, one-state on--off intermittency and two-state on--off intermittency are generated in two five-dimensional continuum systems respectively. In each system, a two-dimensional subsystem is driven by the R\"{o}ssler chaotic system. The parameter conditions under which the on--off intermittency occurs are discussed in detail. The statistical property of the intermittency is investigated. It is shown that the distribution of the laminar phase duration time follows a power law with an exponent of $-3/2$, which is a signature of on--off intermittency. Moreover, the phenomenon of intermingled basins is observed when attractors in the two symmetric invariant subspaces are stable. We provide an effective way to generate on--off intermittency based on a chaotic system, which is important for application and theoretical study.

关键词: chaotic system, on--off intermittency, transverse Lyapunov exponent, blowout bifurcation, intermingled basins

Abstract: In this paper, one-state on--off intermittency and two-state on--off intermittency are generated in two five-dimensional continuum systems respectively. In each system, a two-dimensional subsystem is driven by the R?ssler chaotic system. The parameter conditions under which the on--off intermittency occurs are discussed in detail. The statistical property of the intermittency is investigated. It is shown that the distribution of the laminar phase duration time follows a power law with an exponent of $-3/2$, which is a signature of on--off intermittency. Moreover, the phenomenon of intermingled basins is observed when attractors in the two symmetric invariant subspaces are stable. We provide an effective way to generate on--off intermittency based on a chaotic system, which is important for application and theoretical study.

Key words: chaotic system, on--off intermittency, transverse Lyapunov exponent, blowout bifurcation, intermingled basins

中图分类号:  (Synchronization; coupled oscillators)

  • 05.45.Xt
05.45.Tp (Time series analysis)